It was like a scavenger hunt for a book-nerd.
I was reading what would become my favorite book,
The Biography of Oswald Chambers. I love this book, and do not use the word 'love' lightly. Reading his thoughts and heart for the Father just make me want to love the Father more. In his journals, Chambers would often talk about books that he was currently reading. I figured that, since I loved his words so much, I should read what he was reading. Among the books he mentioned was one by J.H. Jowett.
A Passion for Souls was published in the early 1900's and out of print. I searched the web, found a copy for cheap, and had it sent to my house. This book has also become one of my favorites. In his writing, Jowett mentioned many books that had an impact on him. So, I thought, I should read those as well. (Side note: I was absolutely giddy in this whole process. It was like a treasure hunt!) One of the books was the Biography of Robert Murray McCheyene. I found it, read it, and, you guessed it, found more book recommendations in his writing, including
The Letters of Samuel Rutherford.
I mean, wow wow wow.
If I try to describe in my own words how amazing this book is, I will fall deplorably short. So, I will let the man speak for himself. Here are some of my favorite lines:
"It is true, my Sabbaths have been, and still are, as glassy ice whereon my faith can scarce hold its feet, and I am often blown on my back and off my feet with a storm of doubting. Yet truly, my bonds all this time cast a mighty and rank smell of high and deep love in Him. I cannot, indeed, see through my cross to the far end; yet I believe I am in His books, and in his decree (not yet unfolded to me), a man triumphing, dancing and singing on the other side of Red Sea and laughing and praising the Lamb, over beyond time, sorrow, deprivation, prelates' indignation, losses, want of friends, and death. Heaven is not a fowl flying in the air (as men used to speak of things that are uncertain); nay, it is well paid for... Let us be glad and rejoice that we have blood, losses and wounds to show our Master and Captain at his appearance, and what we suffered for his cause."
"And I am sure, it is better to be sick, provided
the Son come to the bed-side, and draw aside the curtains, and say 'Courage, I am thy salvation,' than to enjoy health, being lusty and strong, and never to be visited by Him."
"Your Lord never thought this world's vain painted glory a gift worthy of you, and therefore would not bestow it on you, because he is to provide you with a better portion."
"And withal, consider how, in all these trials (and truly they have been many) your Lord hath been loosing you at the root from perishing things, and hunting after you to grip your soul."
"There are some wounds whose bleeding should not soon be stopped."
"There cannot be a more humble soul than a believer; it is no pride for a drowning man to catch hold of a rock."
"To rely on Him, and not to be weary of sin, is presumption, not faith. Faith is ever neighbor to a broken and contrite spirit; and it is impossible that faith can be where there is not a cast-down and contrite heart, in some measure, for sin."
"Build not your nest here. This world is a hard, ill-made bed; no rest is in it for your soul."
"Hold on in feeling and bewailing your hardness, for it is softness to feel hardness."
"They are very evil-worthy of the sweet who will not endure the sour."
I could write many, many more, but, I will let you read the book for yourself. Seriously. Buy this book. Read it. Then, re-read it. Trust me.