Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dad in China

My Daddy came to visit me in China, and our time together was wonderful. It was so refreshing to have him here, and the extra little push I needed to end the semester well.

Our adventures began in Beijing.

We used the Subway to get around Beijing. Confession- I love Subways. :)

Look at those chopstick skills!

Forbidden City

Maybe my most favorite picture ever. The dragon was treating to eat his face. No big deal.

Next, we journeyed to the Temple of Heaven

One of the coolest things about going to the Forbidden City or Temple of Heaven is to walk on the Imperial Pathway. It is made of marble, and, at one time, only the Emperor was allowed to walk on it. Here is Dad on that pathway, walking where Emperors walked for centuries.

So handsome!
 After spending a day in Beijing, we took the train to Zhengzhou, where Dad stayed with me for two weeks. The first week, my school was holding their Sports Meet (imagine field day at a school in America)
ZhengDa Stadium

Some of my girls were given the honor of performing in the Opening Ceremonies. :)
While visiting, Dad also gave a lecture to my medical post-graduate students about Mental Health Care in the US. They loved him!


  1. This is a great snapshot(s) of what's going on with you! I love it!

  2. Love it! Can't wait to see you soon!!! I can't believe either that you've been over there for so long...Love you much!! :D
