Monday, January 20, 2014

4 month hiatus

After four months, I am back. Sorry for the long hiatus from the blog. My schedule was so full, and I didn't make time to write. Here's to a better 2014!

On a happy note, I plan to update this over the next few days with lots of posts and pictures about the fall semester.

Let's end tonight with a funny picture. My students decided to draw me on the board for their Christmas party, and here I am:


  1. Nice! students drew me once... I had an apple for a mid section and knobby legs and a massive adam's apple. I'm still confused. :) One student was describing how overweight George Washington "obviously" was. "Like Miss Williams- thick around the middle!" she said. (My maiden name). Obviously.

    1. Oh my... ya- this drawing of me is way too flattering. I should be more "thick around the middle" :)

  2. It's like anime Sarah! Haha- looking forward to a few updates!

    1. Thanks Cassie! By the way, I love the little cutout picture of Addy and I that you sent. Using it as a bookmark now! I miss y'all!
