Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A Friend's Birthday

It all began the very first night of my freshman year of college. Everything was new and exciting, and just a wee bit scary. I was so unsure of what I was doing, afraid I wouldn't make friends. But, then I met a group of girls who would become my family at school and friends for life. Amy, Mary, Heather, Hannah, Jordan and I all sat in a circle in mine and Heather's room. We took turns telling each other about ourselves, our hearts and our dreams. Amy played the guitar. We formed a bond that still endures. Soon, we met some more great girls, like Laura, Lisa, Carrie, Stephanie, Jessica, Ashley, and Kristine. We called ourselves the 12, and we did everything together, from Motown dance parties, to trips to the Canyon, to numerous movie nights. These girls made my college experience more wonderful than I could have ever hoped for, and they have given me lifelong friendships that I don't deserve.

A little over a week ago, I took part in a birthday celebration for one of these amazing girls, one of my best friends, Amy. Amy is so great. She is more full of life than most people I know. She loves the Father, and has such a steady heart. Life would have a lot less color if I didn't know her. Amy's birthday has become one of the best times of the year. A couple years ago, we took a trip to San Antonio to see Michael Buble in concert for her birthday. Last year, we stayed at a fancy hotel in Lubbock and had a blast. This year was different, because it is no longer just us girls. Mary is now married, and Amy has a gentleman caller. This year it was goodbye to a girls night, and hello to the men. We ate at Amy's favorite restaurant, and then went to the Drive-In to see Brave. The movie wasn't great, but spending time with my friends was amazing. I'm going to miss them more than I can express when I'm in China. But, I know they'll be there for me; these friendships are lifelong. Also, I am SO THANKFUL FOR SKYPE!

Here are some pics of Amy's party:

I made funfetti cupcakes from scratch!

Love them so much!

Lovely girls

Me with some of my girls. :)

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