Monday, September 24, 2012

Hot Pot and a Walk

Mmmmm... That, my friends, is delicious hot pot. Yummy!

Last night, I went with my friend to go have some hot pot, and then go for a nice long (really long) walk. Hot pot is a very popular dish from the city of Chongqing, and this restaurant was run by a man from there. First, they brought out the pot, full of delicious chicken. We had to eat the chicken first. Then, they came and poured a broth over the rest of the pot, added spices, and then added many other items. I think we had four different kinds of tofu in there. It was delicious!

After dinner, we went for a walk around the campus. Now, I believe that I have told you that ZZU is the largest college campus in China. We probably walked at least 5 miles total. It was a beautiful walk; the campus is full of flowers, willow trees, ponds, fountains, and even a lake-type thing they call the eyebrow.

My friend and I were able talk about many things. She emailed me later and said this:

"Tonight we discovered so many things in common between us. That's so exciting! There are always a lot of such magic things in this beautiful world made by the Father.
U are from America , I'm living in China. But the Father let us meet each other and be friends.This is serendipity, isn't it? We call this 缘分(yuan fen) in Chinese. Good night!"

I'm so blessed. :)

1 comment:

  1. 2 things. 1) that hot pot looks/sounds amazing and I want to eat one now. 2) so glad for your new friendship. Blessings!
